G&B communication
Traduzione e Interpretariato

Traduzioni specialistiche
Interpreti di alto livello professionale

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per i tuoi affari

Libro di Cinese commerciale info@gb-communication.com

Servizi di traduzione

G&B communication makes use of a professional team, highly qualified specialized translators, Project Managers and translators. Mother tongue will be able to offer the maximum professionalism, competence and precision in the translation of texts of various typologies.

G&B communication offers a lot of services in many languages, proven experience, quality and reliability. Our staff will ensure perfect translation according to your request, in order to guarantee a high quality translation according to professional standards. We pledge uniformity of the texts and high terminology quality.

In regards to the terms used, the spelling and the uniformity of language translations will be overseen by our Project manager who will control everything in detail in order to guarantee an all in line with the customers requests and our quality standards. The revision will take place in close contact with our translator, who will undertake a further review therefore reducing the possibility of making mistakes next to zero.

General Manager Tatiana Gangarossa tatiana.gangarossa@gb-communication.com

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